LMD-Tools Font Image List Guide



  TLMDFontImageList = class(TLMDFontImagesBase);


The main font image list component class. Provides the ability to use modern symbol icons in a VCL Delphi application. The component can be placed on a VCL form Delphi Palette view. It can be linked with a lot of standard and third-party VCL controls, which usually provide Images and ImageIndex properties.


Refer to Font Image List topic to learn more about font image list component.


function IsFontValid: Boolean;

Reports whether the font properties, like FontSource and FontName point to an existing font. If font source collection is not linked, then the FontName property should specify one of the font installed in the operating syste,. Otherwise, it should point to one of the fonts from the connected collection.

function AddReplica: TLMDReplicaImages;

function AddReplica(const AName: string): TLMDReplicaImages;

Creates and adds new replica image list. The second method overload allow to specify replica image list component name in the AName parameter.


See also: Font Image List Replicas.

property ReplicaCount: Integer;

Allows to read replica image lists count.

property Replicas[AIndex: Integer]: TLMDReplicaImages;

Allows to get access to specific replica image lists by AIndex index.

property Images: TLMDFontImages;

Represents list's main icons collection.

property FontName: TLMDIconFontName;

Specified used font name. If FontSource collection is not linked, then the FontName property should specify one of the font installed in the operating system. Otherwise, it should point to one of the fonts from the connected collection.

property FontSource: TLMDFontCollection;

Allows to link a TLMDFontCollection component for using custom icon fonts.


See also: Font Collection.